Buy screwing a lot of guys with out protection!
Cytherea is 163 cm.
If, in Cytherea you mean Aphrodite, yes she did.
Cytherea was born on September 27, 1981.
The duration of Cytherea - film - is 1.33 hours.
Cytherea - film - was created on 1924-04-03.
Cytherea is 29 years old (birthdate: September 27, 1981).
Cytherea's birth name is Amanda Dee. She is an American pornographic actress and model known for her work in the adult entertainment industry. Cytherea has been recognized for her performances and has won several awards for her work in the industry.
There is no definitive information available regarding the race or identity of Cytherea's child.
Cytherea, Cypris.
Cytherea the House Agent - 2005 V is rated/received certificates of: Greece:K-17