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Q: Did captain price set off a nuke in MW2?
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Why did captain price launch a nuke in modern warfare 2?

Captain Price launched the nuke to create an EMP to help the army rangers trapped in dc to evade the Russian soldiers and help end the war on US Soil.^ the above is wrong, yet that is what happens in the games as a result.The real intention of Captain Price was to make use of the nuke seem like America was NOW the victim of extremism - via the Russians, specifically Makarov. This was because of the incident involving "No Russia", where the CIA agent Joseph Allen had been left behind by Makarov after the massacre at the Russian Airport killing hundreds of Russians. Russia mistakenly took this as a declaration of War. Russia in retaliation murdered many Americans within the Russian borderlands and deployed their soldiers to hit American front, resulting in what happened above.Prices intentions are seen through his use of quotationsShepherd: We thought we'd recover the ACS before the Russians could crack it. We were wrong. Then Makarov turned the U.S. into his scapegoat. Next thing you know there's flames everywhere. What's this image you're sending me?A Russian nuclear submarine is analyzed, showing its internal mechanical layout and 16 megaton nuclear payload.Captain Price: You wanna put out an oil fire, Sir, you set off a bigger explosion right next to it. Sucks away the oxygen. Snuffs the flame.Shepherd: Price, you been locked away too long. Better get your mind right, son.Captain Price: Shepherd, are you willing to do what is necessary to win?Shepherd: Always.Captain Price: We got ourselves a pretty big fire. Gonna need a huge bang.Shepherd: You've been in the gulag too long, Price. Focus on taking out Makarov.Captain Price: No time, sir. We need to end this war today.Shepherd: I'm not asking you, Price. This is an order! You're to...This is further proven when Soap continuely warns Price that the launch pads of the Submarine are opening...The sub's silo doors begin to open.Ghost: Price, are you there? The silo doors are opening on the sub, I repeat, the silo doors are opening on the sub!There's no response.Ghost: Price, come in! They're opening the silo doors on the sub! Hurry!Still no response. Ghost begins shouting into the comm.Ghost: Price, do you copy?! The silo doors are open! I repeat, the silo doors are open!Price: Good.The ground shakes as a nuclear missile is launched from the sub.Ghost: Wait - wait, Price, no! We have a nuclear missile launch. Missile in the air! Missile in the air! Code Black, Code Black!Notice he says Good? Shows his satisfied...Therefore in accordance, in conclusion (my personal) I believe it is fit to say Price had the intentions of detonationing that Nuke to "bring Makarov into light"

What famous antisubmarine group exploit was carried out under the leadership of captain dan gallery in June 1944?

Captain Dan Gallery's group encountered u-boat U505 off the coast of Africa, and following disabling it from diving, took control of it. It was the first ship captured in battle on the high seas by the U.S. Navy since the War of 1812.

Why was Mary Celeste abandoned?

We simply don't know for sure. The most plausible theory is: part of the ship's payload was combustible. It is very possible that circumstances had occurred that had increased the risk of an explosion; and that the captain decided to ventilate the ship's hold: the hatches were found open. The captain then might for safety's sake in the meantime have everybody board a sloop, tied to the ship with a long rope. If the rope would have slipped, there would have been no way to row back to the ship, since it had been left partly under sail and so was much faster than any sloop could row. The sloop would then drift off to anywhere, and lack of food and especially of drink would finish off the crew in a matter of days.

Do aircraft carriers launch off planes?

The planes take-off with a catipulte but they have to be light planes nothing to heavy. Then the plane goes into full throtle flaps up then takes-off

How much did plate armor cost?

Well, this would be dependent on a few things, some of these include... 1. Who made it? If it was one of the more note worthy smiths, then it would have tended to be much more expensve 2. Where were the materials from? The better quality materials to make the armour would usually lead to a price increase 3. Who was buying it? If they were buying from a family member, vassal, or etc, then the price might be considerably cheaper. All of that considered, really only the noble classes were able to afford full suits of plate armour, someone of a lower class could work their entire life and save what they could, and still probably not be able to afford it. Off topic, but in case you're curious, lower classes would usually use mail, which was cheaper to buy. Further off topic, a suit of plate armour today would cost you anywhere between 3K and 16K

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How do i get a nuke from a care package mw2 ps3?

You can't anymore, Infinity Ward has taken off the nuke in care Package because it was considered to powerful to get from a care package

Do you need a partner for nuke boosting for mw2 PS3. my id is elmodagangsta so send me an friend request and well switch off boosting for nuke?

yes you need two people to nuke boost on any consel.

Can you avoid a nuke in MW2?

Ive survived 3 nukes so far but I think it was patched the first was to use a predator missle right as it explodes or use tac insertion and kill urself when the nuke goes off

How can you survive a tactical nuke in modern warfare 2?

Yes you can , You need a a kill streak which requires you using a laptop such as .. Predator missile , AC130 , Chopper gunner , etc.. Call it when 0:00 is on the timer for the Nuke to go off . Use your kill streak and you will be in the kill streak and there for wont be killed by the tactical nuke .

Why can't MW2 players just ban nuke boosters ourselves?

Because people could end up abusing their power, and ban players that are just pissing them off, or killing them too much, etc.

How do you nuke the new kongregate?

Put a small nuke in your bag and just walk in there and set it off

Do you get nukes in Call of Duty Black Ops?

No, sorry. They have a map called Nuketown, which is based off of old nuclear testing sights, that gets blown up at the end of every match you play but you can't use any nuke's like in MW2.

How do you get nuke emblem?

in mw2 you need to get 10 nukes to get the emblem, i have got 13 nukes camping on ground war, demolition or domination with a noob tube (grenade launcher) with one man army pro, danger close pro and commando pro. the killstreaks should be harriers, chopper gunner and nuke. it does get hard once you come out of the chopper gunner with 5 kills off.

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No, you cannot turn off blood in CoD: MW2. Infiniity Ward made it there to make it look 'realistic.'

Can you turn off the language in mw2?

no a-hole

Will captain price be in call of duty modern warfare 3?

He probably will. Depends on what the story is based off of.