Winchester 70 225 is worth around 1,000 dollars if 100%
Your rifle is a Marlin (Winchester 30-30 is caliber). Value will be based on condition, but somewhere between $225-$350 for Good to Excellent. Great little deer rifle.
Your Winchester ranger 94 rifle which was made in 1992 will bring between 150-225 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
made in 1974; you did not state the condition of the rifle so I'll give you the range from Excellent (like new) to average $225 to $100
at least 10000
It is .22 caliber- gauge refers to shotguns. In very good condition, prices run about $225-$275.
Your rifle was manufactured in 1973. NIB EXC VG Good Fair Poor 275 225 175 125 100 75
a .22 caliber
50-600 usd
25-225 usd