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Yes, I have one that is Black on Black. They also made a bolt action, but not many of either.

It's a Model 76.

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Q: Did Remington ever make a nylon lever action rifle?
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Do they make a Remington lever action rifle?

No, bolt-action only. Bummer! I was under the impression that they did some years back but discontinued the 35 cal. lever action rifle by Remington

What is the value of a rememington 35 cal lever action rifle?

Remington never made a 35 caliber lever action rifle, you have a rifle by some other manufacturer in 35 Remington, who's?

What is the Value of Remington Model 55 22cal nylon rifle?

Remington didn't make a model 55 rifle, nylon or otherwise. Autoloader, lever, or Bolt, Clip or Tub, letters on left side of barrel?

How much is your Remington 30 30 lever action rifle with scope worth?

100-500 USD

What should you use to clean nylon 66 rifle Remington action?

Any brand of firearms cleaning solvent will do the job.

Who makes the nylon 66 rifle 22 cal?


What ammunition does Remington 66 nylon use?

this rifle should be marked .22S,.22L,and .22LR.

What is the nylon Remington 22 rifle worth?

Depending on year and condition of the rifle, anywhere from $100-250.

Which is worth more a Browning lever action rifle or a Remington both in 308 caliber.?

No way to answer without more information on both rifles.

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Looking for 357 smithwesson lever action rifle?

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When was a Remington model 1 243 lever action rifle made?

well, we have a problem. My references do not show a lever action Model 1 made by Remington. However, Remington rifles can be dated by a 2 or 3 LETTER code stamped on the barrel, left side, about a half inch from the frame. If you post that code here, we can tell you the date.