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yes we have that gun would u like to buy?

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Q: Did RB Rodda and Co make Paragon shotgun with a 28 inch barrel?
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Did Baker Gun Co make a 16 gauge W S Paragon shotgun with a 28 inch barrel?

In answering the question did Backer Gun Co. make a 16 gauge W S Paragon shotgun with a 28 inch barrel? Yes they did make W S Paragon 16 gauge with a 28 inch barrel , and in a full choke also.I know because I have one that is in very good shape and shoots realy good. I hope that I have been of some help on this matter. Jay C. Smith

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A Fox shotgun double barrel B-SE Series H is valued at $599 in good condition. It has a 26 inch barrel and a 2 3.4 inch chamber.

Is a 22 inch barrel for a shotgun considered a youth model?

Length of the stock determines "youth" designation, not barrel.

Outside diameter of a Mossberg 12 gage shotgun barrel?

1 inch

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What is the legal length of shotgun in Texas?

26 inches overall with an 18 inch barrel.

How short can a shotgun barrel be in Mississippi i mean to the exact measurement?

The length of a shotgun barrel is federally regulated and is 18 inches. Barrels come in 18 inch length's but i recommend the 18.5 inch barrel, just in case guys measuring has a old knarled up measuring tape.

Can a shotgun with a 3 inch barrel safely shoot 2 and three quarter inch shells?

Yes, shorter shells are no problem.

Is there a magazine plug installed in a Charles daly tactical shotgun with an 18 inch barrel?
