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Q: Developing human organism up until 8 weeks of pregnancy?
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From the time a fertilized egg is implanted in a mothers uterus until about the eighth week of pregnancy the developing organism is called an?

From the time a fertilized egg is implanted in a mother's uterus until about the eighth week of pregnancy, the developing organism is called an embryo.

At what stage of pregnancy is the term "fetus" typically used?

The term "fetus" is typically used to refer to the developing baby from the 9th week of pregnancy until birth.

What is the chamber that houses the developing fetus?

The uterus is the chamber that houses and nurtures the developing fetus during pregnancy. It provides the necessary environment for the fetus to grow and develop until it is ready for birth.

What is animal pregnancy called?

Animal pregnancy is commonly referred to as gestation. During gestation, the female carries and nourishes the developing offspring in her womb until they are ready to be born.

Why human females mammary glands enlarge until pregnancy?

So they are ready to produce breast milk.

What is a developing human being before birth called?

A developing human being before birth is typically referred to as an embryo in the early stages of development (up to 8 weeks) and then as a fetus from around 9 weeks until birth.

When a body organs are present what is the developing baby called?

When all body organs are present, the developing baby is called a fetus. This stage typically begins around the 9th week of pregnancy and continues until birth.

Why are my breast growing at 21 years old and I'm not pregnant?

Women continue developing until about 25 sometimes this is due to hormone fluctuations & weight gain if pregnancy isn't a factor

Compare the functions of a human embryonic membranes with those inside a bird's egg?

The human embryonic membranes, including the amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois, support and protect the developing embryo in the womb by providing nourishment, gas exchange, and waste elimination. In birds, the amnion, chorion, yolk sac, and allantois inside the egg serve a similar function by enclosing the developing embryo and providing necessary nutrients, oxygen, and waste removal for growth and development. Both systems play a vital role in sustaining the developing organism until it is ready to survive independently.

When will effects from drugs and alochol have the worst effects on an unborn baby?

The entire pregnancy. Every moment until the baby is born, that baby is developing. He/she is always at risk from the mothers decision to use alcohol or drugs

What is pregnancy poisoning?

This is known as pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. The cause of pre-eclampsia is not actually known. It is accompanied by high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and fluid retention. It can occur at any time in the pregnancy, but not usually until the last triemster. Doctors do regular urine test throughout a woman's pregnancy to make sure the are not developing this condition.

Is an embryo human?

Yes, an embryo is a stage of human development where the organism is at its earliest, pre-birth stage. It possesses the genetic makeup of a human being and has the potential to develop into a fully formed human being.