That little shotgun was made by Deutsche Werke, a German company that had operations in Kiel, Berlin, and Erfurt. The Erfurt plant made the shotgun and a youth
22 rifle with the same loading and firing mechanism. They were more famous for making the Ortgies pocket pistol, a semi-automatic in various calibers. These arms were made from 1919 until some time in the 1930s. The pistols can be found regularly on the online auctions, and the 22 rifles less often. The shotguns are even rarer, but not of great value. I saw two offered online in the past couple of years, and the price was around $250 - $450.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description of ALL marks.
50-1000 USD or so depending on specifics
Your DW is worth $150 in absolutely mint shape to a collector. They were poorly crafted firearms and the cocking mechanism was prone to early wear.
Jc higgins
the store brand and gauge for starters.
want to know where the wedgeway arms company was and what one of their single shot shotguns would be worth
Depending on the size of your local library, that might be a place to start. Provide a detailed description of all markings, wood, barrel length, action type, sights, etc..
Over Under, Side by Side, single shot.
Turn of the century
Cheapest new shotguns are probably the NEF single shot break-actions which run a little over $100. has a store brand chart.
The value of these single shot shotguns is ranging between 45-130 dollars.