An alcoholic can be detected through their actions and by the smell of alcohol on their breath. A urine or blood test can also detect Alcoholism.
Bulimia remains deadly and difficult todetect. "It's like telling an alcoholic that you can only have this drink, and you can ..." I couldn't get the rest of the Bold. Sorry!
One can detect methanol in alcoholic drinks by using a simple chemical test called the chromic acid test. This test involves mixing a small amount of the drink with a solution of chromic acid and sulfuric acid. If methanol is present, the solution will change color from orange to green. This test can help identify potentially harmful levels of methanol in alcoholic beverages.
The breathalyzer is a simple roadside test the Police use to detect alcohol on the breath, root beer is made in two forms, alcoholic and non alcoholic, the breathalyzer would only detect the alcoholic form, and only 'throw off' if you have drank enough to impair your ability to drive a motor vehicle, one small can would not normally impair your ability to drive.
A person that has not been drinking can detect alcohol in your breath from even one drink.
No. This is because alcohol is necessary for a breathalyser to detect drinking. Some beer has close to none of alcohol content. If your talking nonalcholic then NOOO
alcoholic and non alcoholic
He is not an alcoholic, but he does drink.
Tea isn't alcoholic.
You say "I am an alcoholic."
I am an Alcoholic.
A correct prefix to add to "alcoholic" could be "non-," changing it to "non-alcoholic," which means without alcohol.