Myelin sheath is the insulation of the CNS (central nervous system). Its helps electrical signals move along nerves. Basically, its synonymous with insulated wire. Again the insulation help the signal move in a smooth and controlled fashion through out the body.
Myelin is composed of about 80% lipid and about 20% protein. Some of the proteins that make up myelin are myelin basic protein (MBP),myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), and proteolipid protein (PLP). Myelin is made up primarily of a glycolipid calledgalactocerebroside. The intertwining of the hydrocarbon chains of sphingomyelin serve to strengthen the myelin sheath.There are quite a few disease (multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis..) involved in the destruction of the axon myelin sheath also known as myelin sheath.
A neuron is a nerve cell, so it has all the parts of an animal cell, plus some specialized parts: axon, dendrites, and perhaps a myelin sheath for insulation.
They are more or less equally spaced. The size of the nodes span from 1–2 µm whereas the internodes can be up to (and occasionally even greater than)1.5 millimeters long, depending on the axon diameter and fiber type.
The spaces along the axon and between the myelin sheath are known as the nodes of Ranvier. They are responsible for speeding up the signals that are transmitted along the axon of the nerve. While the myelin sheath consists of many layers that protect the axon, the nodes of Ranvier are uncovered, giving them the ability to produce an electrical charge.
Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates and protects spinal nerve cells, and allows for faster signal transmission. Therefore as myelin increases in children, their coordination improves.
Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath
Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath
myelin sheath
The endoneurium surrounds and protects the myelin sheath.
A myelin sheath is a layer of myelin (a dielectric, or electric insulator) around the axon of a neuron.
Oligodendrocytes are specialized neurolgical cells that produce myelin sheath.
the Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath Your welcome I had to look for it
Myelin insulation insulates nerve fibers by wrapping around them and forming a protective sheath. This myelin sheath helps to increase the speed of nerve impulse conduction along the nerve fibers.
myelin sheath
Schwann cells make the myelin sheath in the PNS. Each of the Schwann cells myelinate their own segment of the axon, they work together to make the myelin sheath.
if neurons didn't have myelin sheath then the transmission of nerve impulses is slowed or stopped
The layer of lipid around an axon is called myelin sheath. It acts as an insulator, allowing for faster transmission of nerve impulses along the axon.