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Q: Defense mechanisms are developed to help the ego cope with overwhelming anxiety What defense mechanism operates by pushing anxiety-provoking material into the unconscious?
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Defense mechanisms are developed to help the ego cope with overwhelming anxiety. What defense mechanism operates by pushing anxiety-provoking material into the unconscious?


What defense mechanism operates by pushing anxiety-provoking material into the unconscious?

In psychology, repression refers to pushing unwelcome material out of the conscious mind.

What developed psychoanalysis which works with unconscious mind and motives?

Sigmund Freud

Who developed theories about the power of the part of the mind called the unconscious?

sigmund freud

When did Carl Jung develop his theory?

Carl Jung developed the theory of Collective Unconscious in 1933.

Belief that the unconscious mind has an influence on one and behavior is part of what early field of psychology?

Psychoanalysis. It was developed by Sigmund Freud; he believed that the id (or the unconscious mind) was in constant conflict with the logical and conscious parts of the mind.

Which thinker is credited with having developed the idea that the mind is divided into two areas conscious and unconscious?

Sigmund Freud, the founder of the psychoanalysis

Frued believed that all thoughts and actions are determined by?

Freud believed that all thoughts and actions are determined by unconscious desires, memories, and early childhood experiences. He developed the theory of psychoanalysis to explore the influence of these unconscious factors on human behavior.

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John Browning was an American firearms designer who developed many varieties of firearms, cartridges, and gun mechanisms.

Is the patient responsible for payment for treatment if they are treated while unconscious?

Not in Canada. I can't speak for the less developed countries everywhere elase. LOL.

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Two forms of agency theory have developed: positivist and principal-agent (Jensen, 1983). Positivist researchers have emphasized governance mechanisms primarily in large corporations.

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Most sea creatures have developed certain adaptations to live in their environment. Surf barnacles have mechanisms that help them to cling to rocks so they don't get washed out by strong waves.