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Q: Dating between an 18 year old and a 15 year old in Texas?
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Is it legal for a 23 year old woman to be dating a 17 year old boy in Texas?

Nothing illegal about dating.

Is it legal for a 17 year old and a 13 year old to be dating in Texas?

NO! that is simply dicusting!

Is it legal for a sixteen year old to date an 18 year old in Texas?

Only dating isn't illegal anywhere.

Can a 17 year old date a 16 year old in Texas?

Yes, there are no laws for dating, just regarding sex.

Is it illegal for a 16 year old male to date a 18 year old female in the state of Texas?

There are no laws for dating, that is up to your parents. For sex you have to be 17 in Texas.

In Texas can a 17 year old go to jail if he is dating a 16 year old?

No, there are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact, and in most places, including Texas, the age of consent is 16, though higher in a few places.

If you are 12 dating a 16 year old is that illegal?

Not if you live in Texas. But that's only if the 16 year old is your older sibling...

Is it illegal for a 23 year old to date a 17 year old female in Texas with parental consent?

Dating is not illegal, but sex is in this case. Technically, the parents could be held responsible as well if they are allowing sex between their 17 year old and a 23 year old.

In the state of Texas if an 18 year old is dating a 20 year old can the parents have him arrested on any charges?

Dating, sure. Most likely will still require 16 year old parents permission.

Im 16 and dating a 22 year old is that illegal in New Jersey?

Only in Texas

Is it illegal for a fourteen year old female to have a relationship with an eighteen year old male in the state of Texas?

There are no laws about dating. There are specific laws about sexual activity and the age of consent is 17 in Texas.

Can a twenty year old male date a fifth teen year old female in Texas?

That is for her parents to decide. There are no laws for dating, only for sex.