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Q: Date of manufacture of colt officers model match revolver 916662?
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What is date of manufacture of colt officers model match revolver 902582?


What is the Date of manufacture colt officers model match revolver serial number 900515?

It's a 1954.Thanks!

When was the colt officers match sernumber 71693 22lr made?

is the a pistol or revolver ??

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What is the Date of manufacture of colt officer's model match revolver 909533?

Around 1955.

What is the date of manufacture of a colt officers model match 918153?

You will have to call Colt to find out.

What is the date of manufacture of colt officers model match LFA2812?

You will have to call Colt to find out.

What is the date of manufacture of Colt Officers Match 38 caliber?

Sorry but we would need the serial number to answer.

What is the website to match serial no with date of manufacture for a colt diamondback revolver thanks any help would be appreciated?

What is the date of manufacture of a colt officers model match 81206?

It was the 106th made in 1962 as 1962 started with serial number 81100.

What is the manufacture date of a SW model 17 22 cal LR double action revolver SN 21120?

The sn as provided does not match any in the Model 17 range.

How do you get the wheel off a 38 colt police officers model match?

Why would you want to take the cylinder off?? This is a very collectible revolver & requires special care and specialized tools. A job for a quality oriented gunsmith.