DMI is a gang, started in the MD prison system. Their most common tattoos are of a Pyramid (all seeing eye) and the numbers 4-13-9 alphanumeric for D-M-I. They are a violent group of individuals. Commonly called a white gang, they do include other ethnicities into their makeup.
Dead Man Inc.
DMI colors are black.
Tha gang whisper isn't for everyone to know, its so DMI members can know for sure who is really D Tha jacka*s who left tha answer that tha whisper is "lets all act tough so they don't know we suck" is jus some ignorant f**k who was probably rejected by us.
DMI Trust's population is 1,400.
DMI Trust was created in 1981.
DMI Trust ended in 2002.
DMI Trust's population is 3.
DMI furniture offer sophisticated and executive styles.
Verifying DMI data is not an error or problem, ergo there is no "solution."
DMI in usually used in sports to tell the real ranking of your player regardless if you are the best in the world.
Calculating the DMI is identical to calculating the RSI, except the number of time periods used in the DMI calculation changes each day based on volatility.