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Get a T shirt and write your name on the back in sharpie and then write other random girls names also on the back in the same color but in washable marker also put a big "YES" and a small "no" in sharpie...give him a note saying "will you be my date to WPA?" and "wash me to find out who's asking" then give it to him and wait(:

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Q: Cute ways to ask a guy to WPA?
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Hello there! I did some research to find some cute ideas on how to ask! If you visit this blog and scroll to the bottom you will find loads of ways to ask to dances! Good luck :)

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To ask a guy to the Sadie Hawkins dance, you can ask him to arm wrestle you. If he wins, tell him he has to go with you.

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There is so many ways of asking a guy to Sadie's! There is just asking him straight up or u can do something cute like with food or a song. Either way hopefully he will say YES!

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It means that he thinks the name is cute.

Cute question to ask a boy?

For what purpose? There are so many cute questions you can ask. Like if it's a guy friend ask him how his day went. If it's ur boyfriend and you want to ask him a cute question, then ask him how much he loves you.

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Send a text or rite a cute message

Is it gay if guy calls a little boy cute?

No, but a lot of homophobes ask this question.

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Here is a question for you. Does the guy have a nice personality? If yes do you like him to? If yes again ask in out! *Keegan*