Settings>Safari>Clear History
Four Corners Monument, where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah touch.
the 4 states that touch at corners is Colorado,New Mexico,Utah,and Arizona
No - "The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise."
The American flag should never touch the ground, floor, or any object below it.
No its private. Just delete your history every once in a while.
You have to be at least 12+. Otherwise listen to your parents and wait for an i-touch.
bookmarks. than at the bottom press history
nothing happens, you just touch it. Make sure there are no parents there if there are eggs. The parents are very protective of their unborn young.
no it will lose its magic only parents can touch them if they need to.
on safari touch the bookmark icon, go into history and press the clean history buttom
Settings>Safari>Clear History
you could wait till Christmas ,or just be normally nice to them you can also come up with half of the money and split it with them.
Kids can't touch the elf on the shelf cause it will lose all it's magic but parents can touch it so the parents will take it out of the box
No, the history from your iPod Touch cannot and will not be linked to your PC. There is no such feature that allows every movement of the iPod to be tracked as such.
No they can't touch you're phone and touch the app...