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no you can not die from any weed unless you smoke three times your body weight in 2 hours which is impossible but 20 year old weed will get you high

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Q: Could you die drom smoking weed that is 20 or more years old?
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When were smoking shelters first used?

Smoking shelters were first used many years ago, but are more widely used today due to smoking bans etc.

I can't think clearly is it because of smoking?

Well, you haven't provided enough info, but smoking can lead no NT thinking clearly (not to mention premature death, asthma, emphysema, lung cancer, and a variety of other diseases). Your not thinking clearly could also be due to anything else. But the one thing I can assure you of is that the emphysema that you'll have in a few years is caused by smoking. Stop smoking and maybe get more sleep and eat more protein. You will think better. I can almost guarantee it.

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How can smoking lead to a heart attack?

It narrows the arteries by 50% in-which more likely an artery could be clogged.

Will one cigarette do any harm?

Probably not. But you'll get extreme lung cancer.*Edited by JuxEating a cigarette will NOT give you Lung cancer, it can make you Sick and if you eat more than a few you could DIE from it, but not from Lung cancer, from Poisoning

Have you smoked while making love?

Never, but there were times where smoking would have been more satisfying!Never, but there were times where smoking would have been more satisfying!Never, but there were times where smoking would have been more satisfying!Never, but there were times where smoking would have been more satisfying!Never, but there were times where smoking would have been more satisfying!Never, but there were times where smoking would have been more satisfying!

Will the rules for all Federal Bldg be changed from no smoking to smoking?

I really doubt that the federal buildings would go from no smoking to smoking, considering that smoking in public places and in businesses is being restricted more and more.

The temperature light came on and the engine started smoking. So more coolant was put in and the engine stopped smoking. It started again. I think theres a leak. where could the leak be?

Anywhere buddy

How many minutes of your life do you lose when you smoke?

You don't die instantly from smoking but over the years it begins to effect your lungs and you could end up with cancer, terminal or not. If you don't smoke you are saving years of your life, because the more you smoke the less time you have alive!Seriously About every 3 minutes someone dies from smoking.

Do you get a deeper voice from smoking?

It sure can! In most cases permanent changes to voice would happen over a period of several years of smoking. However routine smoking can cause a person to have periodic episodes of hoarseness esp with bronchitis or "colds." If you smoke and have a sudden change in your voice that lasts more than several days have it checked out by your doctor as it could be serious, for example a tumor or polyp in your throat or voice box (larynyx.)

If you are 18 years old 280 lbs how long do you stay high after smoking pot?

u have more than pot to worry about....