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Under State law- possibly. Under Federal law, you would be sentenced to 5 years in prison, no probation, no parole.

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Q: Could you be put on probation for firearm by a felon?
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Can convicted felon marry felon on probation?

Provided you were both in the relationship before your conditional releases, then it is possible, if you first obtain the permission of both the parole and probation officers. If this is a relationship that developed after either of you were put on supervised release, it is more likely than either or both of you could be violated and returned to incarceration for having contact with another convicted felon.

When put on probation is there a time limit you can be violated?

No you can be violated at anytime time up until the day you get the phone call or get put on court probation that you are no longer on probation.

What happens if someone was charged with domestic violence but paid a fine and got probation and then violated his probation?

he would go to jail or it depends on what the probation officer says to that person and how bad he violated his probation and what he did cause if its serious he would get put in jail or if it ain't serious he could go on house arrest and it all depends on what the probation officer says and what the court says to the probation officer and him and even though its a miner thing he could still get locked up for it

Can a felon leave the state of Georgia while on probation?

How do you mean "leave the state?" To TRAVEL out of the state, probably yes, unless you have restrictions on your travel. If you mean to MOVE out of the state permanently; you would have to get the the permission of the court and even then some method would have to be set up for you to continue to be monitored and visited.

How would you explain a juvinille trial?

they take you to court assign you a probation officer for one they could put you on ankle Braclet. after you first trial it depends on what you did they could put you in jueve till your next court date. they could put you on probation till your 18. The court will check up on all your grades attendence at school. if you have a job they will reequire feed back from that as well. but it really depends on what you are being charged for.

How long will someone be put in jail for not passing drug test while on probation?

You COULD be remanded to jail for the balance of your sentence.

Can someone be put into jail for not being able to pay probation restitution if no longer on probation and was diagnosed with psychosis?

if you pay probation but not on the day due do you have time as long as your probation is not up

Can Ms felons be around guns?

"Be around?" Yes. However, the felon cannot have access to the gun.Added: NO! Definitely NOT! "Being around" a gun places the felon in what is known in the law as CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION of the firearm which is enough to put him in prison.It depends on the definition of "being around." I discussed this specifically last year with the local DA in my area because someone I know was a felon, but he comes over to my house occassionally. The DA said that as long as the person doesn't have access to the firearm (IE: the firearm is locked up), he is not in violation. I also specifically asked him about a spouse of a felon living in the same house and he said that the same thing applies. If the gun is locked up and not accessible to the felon, there is no violation. And to futher my answer: some high courts have held to this, such as Commonwealth v. Heidler, which holds constructive possession only applies if it can be proven that the felon "had both the power to control and the intent to control the firearm."

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If you are arrested on a felony drug charge but you get probation only do you have to put this as a yes on your work records?

It sounds to me like you were convicted and that probation is your sentence. If you fail probation, what would happen? Yes, you need to put it on your application if it is still on your record.

I was put on probation for reckless driving. 3 months later i got a marijuana ticket. with marijuana being a traffic violation in mass i was wondering does this violate my probation?

It is possible that the marijuana ticket could be considered a violation of your probation, as it is a separate offense that occurred while you were on probation for reckless driving. It ultimately depends on the specific terms of your probation and the decision of your probation officer or the court. It is important to consult with your probation officer or a legal professional for guidance on how to proceed.

Is the Alabama crimson tide football program put on probation this year?

Yes, the University of Alabama has been put on probation for 3 years as a result of textbook violations.