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Q: Could you be pregnant still if you are feeling sick fatigue and your tummy feels tight and weird but have tested negative hpt and spottin of blood?
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Can you have pregnancy symptoms and have a negative test result?

Yes , take two pregnancy tests to make sure . Or even three.

Could the absence of spotting after missing three birth control pills in a row be an early sign that you are pregnant?

look. you can get pregnanton birth control. if your spottin and your not on your period, then go see your gynecologist or family doc n let them know. it's probably nothing

Is spotting orange mean an infection?

are u a girl? and if so spottin orangw might not be orange it may just b a light flow

I began spottin very small amounts of light brown discharge 3 days before my missed period i had some minor cramps but nothing in comparison to your normal could this be imiplantation bleeding?

It could be, the only way to know for sure is to test. Good luck I hope you get the answer you want.

You had your period 9 days early and its not even a period and you normaly only have it for 3 days and you had it for 12 days and its not a period its spottin off and on light and not light dark red a?

and i dont know im scared i had sex 2 days before it started i dontknow wats going on with me? can somone help me

How many words can you get out of sin pot?

S I N P O Tin, is, it, into,noon, notpin, pit, point, pins, pits, pint, post,stop, sip, spin, snot, snit, spit, son, sit, so, sop spottin, top, tip, ton, tons, tops, tins, to

Have spottin and crampin along with the nausea and vomiting I am going on 2 weeks late for my Reg Cycle I had a neg result after taking the test on your 1 week of missing your period What should i do?

Retake a pregnancy test two to three weeks after when you were supposed to begin your period. Levels of HCG, if present, should be high enough to be read by over-the-counter pregnancy tests available at your local pharmacy or drugstore. If you get a negative or positive result, schedule an appointment with your physician to either obtain a more reliable test or guidance/advice for a positive result. If you have spotting and cramping just a few weeks after a missed period, I would say this indicates something other than pregnancy, because "morning sickness" doesn't develop until about 4-5 weeks into a pregnancy on average. Either way, take another pregnancy test and see your doctor, regardless of the result.

Is it normal to have spottin after you stop the depo shot and then no period the next month?

Yes, it is completely normal to experience irregular bleeding when you stop the Depo. The Depo has suppressed your menstrual cycles, it can take up to 12 months for cycles to regulate again once you stop.

What is the bhp for a Honda cb450 nighthawk?

I bought an '82 450 Nighthawk new and my son now rides it. If memory serves, I believe it was quoted as having 36 horsepower. I also own a 2004 1300 VTX cruiser which is rated at 72 hp on the motor with about 60 hp at the rear wheel. The shaft drive causes greater losses than the chain drive of the Nighthawk. With myself and wife onboard the VTX (our combined weight is 302 pounds) and my son (142 pounds) on the Nighthawk, we are very close to dead even in acceleration. Of course I'm spottin' him about 400 pounds in total weight. The other difference is that the 1300 V-Twin motor of the VTX makes big torque at lower rpm whereas the power curve of the Nighthawk comes in above 6500 rpm. The Nighthawk also has an extra cog in the gearbox. You can do wonders with revs and gears but I like the low down grunt of the big V-Twin and of course, there's no comparison in sound although the Nighthawk has a relatively pleasant note. One modification I made to the Nighthawk, which TOTALLY transformed the bike, was a replacement of the Front Sprocket with one which had two less teeth. This was the biggest change I could make and have the chain surive according to the dealer. Effectively, it took the revs in 6th gear at 60 mph from 4,400 to 5,000. Although there was a slight increase in engine noise, this still left the revs 1,000 lower than what they'd been with Honda's previous 400's with the 5 speed transmission. That 6th gear was a VERY tall overdrive. Swapping the front sprocket yielded better acceleration, better fuel economy since it wasn't lugging against a headwind, and a much higher top speed. Prior to the switch, the engine could redline (9,200 rpm in 5th gear) but would then slow down after the shift to 6th gear as it fell off the power curve. After the switch, the engine will now pull 8,800 rpm in 6th gear (just shy of redline), which is just about perfect gearing. Top speed rose from an indicated 100 mph to almost 107 mph. Of course we all know motorcycle speedometers are notoriously inaccurate. True top speed is probably in the mid 90 mph range which was fast enough for me. Although I enjoy my VTX immensely, it is still a blast to hop on the Nighthawk for a spin. It was/is a really nice bike and the ergonomics made it a supreme long distance riding pleasure. Still love it's seat comfort.