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If you have had sex lately thengo to your doctor. If you haven't , then you are fine. Your body re-regulates itself every so often. Besides, pregnant people don't have periods (pun).

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you were 2 days late and your period is not as heavy as usual and been feeling queasy and had cramps for two weeks?
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Feeling healthy

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I was feeling queasy after eating to many hamburgers and then going outside on the trampoline.

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If your pregnant do you lose weight before you gain it?

This is not uncomman and usually only happens during the first 3 (max) months. yes particulearly if you are feeling queasy and eating less. But it is a well known fact that you will loose before you gain

What are some feeling words beginning with the letter Q?

Some feeling words that begin with the letter Q are, quirky. Queasy is another one that you could use.

You started your period two days after you had sexual relations it has been a week since your period now and you feel queasy tired and dizzy is it possible you might be pregnant?

If your period was due at the time it came, then you probably are not pregnant. If you would like to know for sure, you can buy a home test kit which tells you accurately what the situation is. If your period was due at the time it came, then you probably are not pregnant and you are probably unwell. If you would like to know for sure, you can buy a home test kit which tells you accurately what the situation is.

What is a good home remedy if you are feeling queasy?

White soda, like lemon/lime flavors, but with no coloring.Or ginger ale.

Why am I so queasy if I'm not pregnant?

You may have food poisoning, stomach flu, or indigestion, among other potential ailments.

How do you feed the astronaut on Lunar Colony?

The astronaut is feeling queasy. Get the bottle of ginger ale from the speaker's table where you entered the island, and take it to him in the capsule.

How do you help the astronaut's belly on lunar colony island?

The astronaut is feeling queasy. Get the bottle of ginger ale from the speaker's table where you entered the island, and take it to him in the capsule.

How do you spell queasy?

That is the correct spelling of the word "queasy" (ill or nauseaous).