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yes, you need to get a blood test you may be to early for a over the counter test or just wait till next month and relax

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you're trying to conceive and your period didn't come but you have very light pink discharge and your last period was only 2 days long and a pregnancy test is negative?
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Can you be pregnant if you have Abdominal cramps increased milky discharge late period but negative pregnancy test?

Yes you can take a pregnancy test that is negative and still be pregnant. As far as the milky discharge, that may be an infection.

Do women discharge when pregnant?

Yes, women have vaginal discharge during pregnancy which will increase as the pregnancy progresses.

Do you can consive still after feeling simtoms of pregnansy?

A woman cannot conceive while she is pregnant, but if the symptoms of pregnancy are false and she is not pregnant, she could conceive.

If you have a discharge does it mean you are pregnant?

Not necessarily. Many women have a discharge, pregnant or not. See the Related Link for symptoms of pregnancy.

What does it mean if the pregnancy test is negative?

If the pregnancy test was negative, it means that you are not pregnant.

Will a pregnancy test show you are pregnant 5 ays after you conceive?

You need to wait 14 days after having intercourse to determine pregnant with a pregnancy test.

You were on clomid 100mg in Jan And in Feb you had missed your periods you m getting white discharge your home pregnancy test was negative Is it a symptom of pregnancy?

It can be. Milky white discharge called leukorrhea is common during pregnancy. You can call your doctor and have them draw blood for a beta hcg. This is the pregnancy hormone and that should tell you if you are pregnant.

If you normally have discharge and am not having it now could that be a sign?

Well, a sign of what? pregnancy? All women have discharge. And I am pregnant right now. And when you are pregnant your discharge increases.

Could you be pregnant if you have thick white discharge?

Thick white discharge neither guarantees nor rules out pregnancy. Technically, yes, you could be pregnant if you have thick white discharge, but having this discharge does not make you pregnant. Many women have thick white discharge, but if you are concerned you should try a pregnancy test and/or consult your OBGYN.

If you have a negative pregnancy test but are trying to conceive can you safely drink alcohol?

If you are not pregnant, then you can drink alcohol. However, I would strongly advise not drinking alcohol if you are trying to conceive. Alcohol can stop you conceiving as quickly, particularly if drunk in large amounts.

If you get a negative does that mean you are not pregnant?

negative= not pregnant positive= pregnant be sure to read the instructions on the pregnancy test package

What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.