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As long as you have not gone through menepause or had a histerectomy then yes it is possible. There is a woman in London right now that is pregnant at 66.

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Q: Could you be pregnant at 51 have had 9 positive in home prenancy test?
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Why would a home pregnancy test come out positive but then you turned out not to be pregnant?

if it says pregnate it could be a false positive meaning you could have cancer instead

Positive home pregnancy test?

You are pregnant

Could you be pregnant if no control line showed up but the test line for positive did?

I took a home pregnancy test and the control line didn't show up but the positive line did so could i be pregnant? I haven' had a period since June 25,2009.

Could you be pregnant after 3 home pregnancy tests were positive after reading results at 3 minutes?

yes if three came up that quick you are pregnant...congrats and God Bless...

Can you still be pregnant if you are two months late and you took a home test but the result is not pregnant?

A home pregnancy test is most likely to be accurate if it is positive meaning if you had a negative test you should be monitoring if you could be pregnant. You could have taken the home test too early to detect pregnancy. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor and get a test done there to rule out pregnancy.

You were 5 wk pregnant then bled how will you know if still pregnant?

You could go to your doctor and they will do a blood test. Or you could take another home pregnancy test. If it is still positive you might be ok. If its negative you are likely losing the baby

If you are 18 days late and your home pregnancy tests are positive and you go for a blood test and it is negative could you be pregnant?

If the tests are positive and you are 18 days late I would assume that there is a greater chance of being pregnant than not. Consult your physician again and ask them for advice or another test.

Could a prenancy test detect im pregnant after 4 days being late?

The standard time frame for taking a pregnancy test is the 1st day after your missed period. Many home tests these days (like the clearblue easy) can detect the levels of hormones that indicate pregnancy 4 days before your period is due. If you are sure about your cycle length and are positive that you are 4 days late, then yes a pregnancy test can easily detect the pregnancy hormones.

You think you'r pegnant 5 postitve home test brown discharge cramps and you sometimes throw up when you eat?

Go see your doctor. & 5 positive home tests = Pregnant. Brown discharge = You could have a STD or you could be bleeding, due to the pregnancy.

If you have taken two home pregnancy test both positive you have had no bleeding though is this normal?

It is if you are pregnant.

Is a male sim pregnant after he comes home vomiting?

he could have the flu or if you made the man go into space with aliens he could be pregnant.

How far do you have to be pregnant for a home test to show you are positive?

One to two weeks, or about two weeks after intercourse.