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I would talk with your doctor about switching the strength of your pills. the one day that you forgot to take the pill but then remembered to take it and took it, and then took the others at the right time, would not make your period come.

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Q: Could there be a problem if you were 2 weeks into your birth control pack and missed a pill but took it as soon as you realized it and took your next one at the regular time and you got your period?
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Can the birth control pill delay your period?

While the birth control pill tends to make your period more regular, it can also cause a missed or late period. If you haven't missed any pills, there's no special need to worry about pregnancy. If you've missed pills, or if it's your second missed period in a row, take a pregnancy test and contact your health care provider.

If I Missed my birth control pill one day took that missed pill the next morning but forgot to take again that night can you get pregnant?

No. It is only a problem if you forget to take your pill more than twice. Though if you have a problem remembering to take your pill you should think about taking another type of birth control.

Why have you missed your last 2 periods if your usually regular?

If you're usually regular, there could be a number of reasons you missed your last 2 periods. The most likely reason is that you are pregnant. However, if you have ruled out pregnancy, stress, illness, diet, and hormonal changes could all be culprits. See your doctor to find the cause and treat the problem.

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It could be that she is pregnant. No form of birth control is 100% effective. It could also be that the birth control pills are throwing off her cycle. when it came to end of 28 cycle last month she stopped pill had her period and never took pill from then now she missed this months period but test was neg is this normal

You missed 2 pills Tues and Weds and realized on Thurs that you had missed 2 days. You took your reg pill on Thursday and also got your period but am still behind on tues and weds pill. What do i do?

you should have taken 2 pills on Thursday and 2 pills on Friday. i would suggest a back up method of birth control for a month. talk to your pharmacist or MD

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Should you take 2 birth control pills in one day after traveling from the USA to China?

Unless you missed taking a pill, you should not double up on birth control pills in one day. You should always take one a day, at your regular time.

Missed your periods for six months?

caused from prenacy or birth control

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Yes, he just had his horn surgically removed as a child and became a drug addict later on in life when he realized how much he missed it.

What is gaining control of a missed shot in basketball called?

Gaining control of a missed shot is called a rebound. Rebounds are important on both offense and defense in order to gain, or maintain possession of the ball.

What are chances of getting pregnant after a missed miscarriage?

There shouldn't be a problem to get pregnant again.

Is it normal for a girl of the age of 16 to have a missed period after her first time having sex?

You can get pregnant even the first time. If you are regular and have missed, you need to do a test. Good luck.