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NO! There is no way of explaining someone passing out from the physical aspects of getting a tattoo. The only way that someone could pass out from getting a tattoo is by physcological means (eg: fear of blood/needles).

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Q: Could getting a tattoo cause you to pass out the next morning?
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Can you get a tattoo on your eczema?

You may want to stay away from getting eczema tattood. If you have a break out while the tattoo is healing you could damage the tattoo and or cause an infection.

Is smoking marijuana bad after getting a tattoo?

Smoking marijuana after getting a tattoo will cause no harm to your body. However, alcohol intake before getting a tattoo can cause excess bleeding.

Will sweat damage a tattoo?

It could cause an infection which can damage a tattoo. If you have to sweat after getting a tattoo then clean it when you're done sweating.

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What could diarrhea every morning be from?

do you drink coffee in the morning this could be the cause

Take before getting a tattoo?

I assume your meaning "what medications can i take before getting a tattoo", and the answer would not be asprine. Asprine are blood thinners and can cause serious problems, as can drinking. Do not take asprine or drink with in 48 hours before getting a tattoo.

Are you allowed to go in the ocean after having a tattoo?

You should not go into the ocean right after you've gotten a tattoo. This could cause the tattoo to not set properly.

Is smoking weed before getting a tattoo a good idea?

Smoking marijuana before getting a tattoo should have no effect to the tattoo process. Other pain killers like Advil before a tattoo on the other hand will thin your blood and cause bleeding during the process.

Can getting a tattoo cause a miscarriage?

No, tattoo's don't cause miscarriage. Doctors suggest you wait until after having the baby due to your compromised immune system during pregnancy can delay healing or cause infection.

How do you remove a tattoo from home?

It is inadvisable to try to remove a tattoo yourself. It could cause medical problems and not an inconsiderable amount of pain and risk.

Can you get tattoos after heart surgery?

Yes I would like to add something . The surgery should be totally healed for a few months before getting a tattoo . The more your body has to heal at once the harder it is plus if your taking blood thinners it is not the best time to get the tattoo . The thinners will cause more bleeding and could cause the ink to be pushed out some causing the tattoo to look faded . It would be best to check with your doctor

Should do jujitsu after getting new tattoo?

I would not recommend it, all of the rubbing could cause the tattoo to peel early and scrape off all of the scabs. This means that you will have to go back in to get it recolored after it has been healed fully. You should lay low for at least 13 days.-Shocker