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Q: Could birth control make your nipples darker?
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What does it mean when your nipples sting?

Well, when you are 1-9 it's fine, don't be worried, if your 10-12-14 it may be the start of your puberty.It could be a symptom of pregnancy or it could be a symptom of birth control. If you are either taking birth control or pregnant that could explain sore nipples.

Why have your nipples suddenly increased in size Birth control was stopped 6 months ago not pregnant and nipples have suddenly grown are darker and itchy 25 years old?

hey dont worry it is normal to have this, but after you give birth just keep on drinking water

Could birth control trigger migraines?

Yes, birth control could trigger migraines.

Does harry styles have a birth mark?

under his nipples

When does Australian sheperds develop nipples?

Aussie's have nipples from birth, they may be hidden by their fur.

You are on birth control and you are 1 day late could you be pregnant?

You could, but if you've used your birth control properly the chance/risk is very small.

What does it mean when your breasts and nipples are sore but your on mirena and don't get your periodbecause of birth control?

Even when your period is suppressed by birth control, your body will still go through a hormonal cycle. Although it will probably be less pronounced then it was before, it's completely normal.

What if you're a man and your nipples hurt?

this means you are not a real man and you need to get birth control. and you will have a period in the next 6 weeks. or/and be pregnant. Watermelon will not help this.

Do nipples change after giving birth?


Why cant you use birth control with having blood clots?

Birth control pills increase the risk for blood clots. If you already have blood clots, birth control pills could make the clots worse. There are other birth control methods which could be good alternatives, condoms, diaphragms, shots, and IUDs.

How could you prevent unwanted child?

Birth control.

What kinds of birth control are there?

There are many kinds of birth control. You could take the pill, you could use a condom, a diaphragm, abstain from sex, get an IUD. For more kinds go to: