It could be pregnancy related but it is very difficult to answer unless you see your doctor for a blood test. The blood test will confirm or rule out pregnancy. If your on Birth Control or have recently stopping taking birth control, this can cause the very light period and so can a hormonal inbalance and irregular periods.
You could still be pregnant. Light bleeding is common early in pregnancy. Take a test.
Take a pregnancy test Peak fetilization is day 14 from the first day of your last period. You are in the window.
it could be, if it is light pink and not heavy. answer If your on the pill it can mess up your periods so if your on the pill that won't surprise me if your worried go see a doctor or take a pregnancy test. Implanation bleeding is a spot of blood which there's no flow to it. Hope I help. From Pink Princess
Yes. The bleeding can be implantation bleeding, and there are also other 'normal' causes of light bleeding in early pregnancy - the key is that it is 'light' bleeding. Anything heavier could be a menstraul flow, which is not possible during pregnancy. Heavy bleeding during early pregnancy is not okay, and should be checked out immediately. Keep in mind, that sometimes BBT remains high for the first few days of AF, so a high BBT doesn't guarantee pregnancy. However, high BBT for 16 days or more past ovulation with no bleeding is fairly good indication of pregnancy (but still not guaranteed). For example, my luteal phase is 17 days long, and my BBT remains high until 3 days after AF, so many woman might read this 20 day elevation in BBT as pregnancy, when this happens to me naturally every month!
Nothing is wrong. You can call your doctor to be sure. Good luck and God Bless:) Hi, This sounds like it could be pregnancy bleeding. Known as early pregnancy bleeding or implantation bleeding. Do a pregnancy test now because your 2 weeks late for you period or see your doctor for a blood test.
Bleeding during early pregnancy can be a sign of various issues such as implantation bleeding or a potential miscarriage. It's important to contact a healthcare provider for evaluation to determine the cause of the bleeding and ensure the health of both you and the pregnancy. Drinking excessive water may have coincidentally helped with dehydration but does not directly stop bleeding.
If the 10 days is after your last day of your period: If you have had unprotected intercourse it could be implantation bleeding. You could take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you don't get your period within a week, retake the test.
Implantation bleeding usually occurs around 6-12 days after conception. Light brown spotting on 7-7 after your period on 6-29 is likely not implantation bleeding, but it could be related to hormonal fluctuations or simply residual discharge from your previous period. If you suspect pregnancy, take a pregnancy test for confirmation.
3 days after your period
You could be. You should go see your doctor and get a blood test to know for sure.
You can use a pregnancy test at anytime while on the pill (it will not effect the test), if you normally have bleeding while taking the sugar pills, wait to see if the bleeding is late or the day before you start your new packet to test for pregnancy.
The hormonal changes of pregnancy make the cervical tissue more delicate. Spotting after a pap smear is common in pregnancy. Contact your health care provider for advice if the spotting lasts more than a day or two.