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100-1000 USD or more depending on specifics.

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Q: Cost of Smith and Wesson Model 19?
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When was a Smith and Wesson model 19-5 serial?

The Smith and Wesson model 19-5 was made from 1982-1985.

What years were Smith and Wesson Model 19-5 .357 mag pistold manufactured?

The Smith and Wesson model 19-5 was made from 1982-1987.

What is the age of a smith and Wesson model 19-3 serial number 2k97456?

The smith and wesson model 19-3 was made between the years 1967-1976.

What year was Smith and Wesson Model 19 serial number 38k2331 manufactured?

Your Smith and Wesson model 19 was made in the year 1978 by the serial number that you have supplied.

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Value of a Smith WESSON Model 19?

200-600 USD

Tell you about the model 19 N 32 caliber pistol SMITH WESSON?

The Model 19 is a 357 Magnum

Aaw6503 19-5 Serial number for smith weston gun?

No such thing exists. If you are referring to a SMITH & WESSON Model 19-5 with a serial number of AAW 6503 it will date to sometime in the early 80's. Call Smith and Wesson and they will tell you when it shipped from the factory at no cost.

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