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60 grams of protein is equal to 240 calories, since 1 gram of protein = 4 calories.

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Q: Convert 60 gm of protein to calories?
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How do you calculate non-protein calories to nitrogen ratio?

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Is a onion a protein or a carbohydrate?

Onions are Vegetables. An average onion which is around 150 grams weight contains the following:14 gm of carbohydrates3 gm of dietary fiber6 mg of sodium6 gm of sugars1 gm of fatTotal calories - 60.

How many protein is in 100gm of protein?

If the given 100 gm sample is of a pure protein, it will contain 100 gm protein. If your intention was to ask for the amount of protein in some food source, then it will depend on the different samples, such as 100 gm Soy bean will have approx 40 gm protein, Almonds will have 22-24 gm protein and like wise.

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since i am into bodybuilding i only know that the function of protein ie amino acids is to build muscles ie skeletal muscles in your body .however protein also provides body with energy when there is lack of carbohydrates and fat in the body . 1 gm protein provides 4 calories whereas 1 gm fat provides u with 9 calories .carbs also provide same as protein does.bye

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the nutritional value It depends on which pancakes/which company/which country made them and whether or not you want the value of pancakes by themselves or with toppings, etc. Ask again; be more specific.