1898 if SAA, 1917 if M1911
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data.
about 1904
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data.
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data. If not there, call Colt.
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data.
You will have to get a letter from COLT to start with. After that, there have been many fine books written on the SAA that you will need to seek out. Proofhouse.com has sn data for Colt.
Does not follow normal Colt sn convention. You must call Colt
about 1903
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data. If not there, you will need to call Colt.
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn tables. You can also call Colt and they will tell you.