Every word in the English language that begins with the letter "q" is followed by a "u." So, the ideal place to locate words that begin with 'qu' would be an English dictionary.
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The letter Q makes a (kw) sound when paired with U. Practically all Q words are QU words and have the (kw) sound. There is no silent U. Some words from other languages use Q without a U and may have either the (kw) sound or just a (k) sound. E.g. qoph (Hebrew letter) has the sound (kof)
Qua, qat
quick, quilt, quit.
quail, quiet, and that's about it.
Some feeling words that begin with the letter Q are, quirky. Queasy is another one that you could use.
Eight lettered words beginning with Q:QuackeryQuackingQuackishQuaddingQuadrantQuaffingQuagmireQuailingQuainterQuaintlyQuakiestQualmishQuandaryQuantifyQuantileQuantityQuantizeQuarrelsQuarriedQuarrierQuarriesQuartersQuartetsQuarticsQuartileQuartzesQuashingQuatrainQuaveredQuaysideQueasierQueasilyQueeningQueerestQueeringQuellingQuenchedQuencherQuenchesQueryingQuestersQuestingQuestionQuetzalsQuibbledQuibblerQuibblesQuickensQuickestQuickiesQuietensQuietestQuietingQuietudeQuillingQuiltersQuiltingQuininesQuintetsQuintileQuippingQuipsterQuirkierQuirkingQuirtingQuittersQuittingQuiveredQuixoticQuizzersQuizzingQuoiningQuoitingQuotableQuotient
There are only a handful of three letter words that begin with Q, none of which are really suitable for describing someone.
· Qina is a city in Egypt
Some nouns beginning with the letter Q are:QuartQuarterQuiltQuintQuillQueenQuiverQuestionQuotientQuandaryQuailQuinine
There are 1,076 words beginning with 'q' in Webster's Second International dictionary - too many to print here.
Anything beginning with Q- quail, queen, quack, quake, quick...