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The feast of the Nativity of Our Lord.

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Q: Christmas is also known as what other feast?
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The feast day of Your Lady of Lebanon also known as Our Lady of Lebanon is on the 5th of May.

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If you are referring to Flavia Julia Helena Augusta, also known as St. Helena, her feast day is August 18.

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I think the Feast of St. Stepehen is also called Boxing day (or it falls on the same day)

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Nicholas of Myra was a 3-4th century bishop from Asia Minor who was noted for his generosity. He has absolutely no connection to the feast of Christmas except that his feast day is also in December and is celebrated on the 6th of that month.

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Is it true that Father Christmas is also known as stNicholas?

Yes. St. Nicholas or St. Nick is called Father Christmas in some cultures, St. Nick in other cultures, and just Santa Claus in other cultures. In other countries, Santa has other names.

What is the feast is on the 26th of December?

December 26 is the feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr. Also known as 'Boxing Day' in the U.K. when people box up clothing, food and other items for distribution to the poor. St. Stephen's job as a deacon was to distribute alms to the poor.

What is the important thing on 6th January in France?

January 6th is the Feast of the Epiphany, celebrated by Roman Catholics as the visitation of the Magi to the baby Jesus. It is also known as the Feast of the Three Kings.

What is the holiday Navidad also known as?

CHRISTMAS!! Have you never heard the song?

What is the feast day of Saint Fergal?

Saint Virgilius of Salzburg, also known as St. Fergal, is November 27.

In which century did the midwinter feast become Christian Christmas?

The December 25 date may have been selected by the church in Rome in the early 4th century. At this time, a church calendar was created and other holidays were also placed on solar dates.

Which saint has a feast on Christmas?

These saints are also memorialized on Christmas - December 25.Adalsindis of HamayAlburga of WiltonAnastasia of SirmiumEugenia of RomeFulk of ToulouseJacopone da TodiMartyrs of NicomediaMatthew of AlbanoMichael Nakashima SaburoemonNeraPeter NolascoPeter the VenerableRomulus