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Yes and no. The festival of Christmas, of course, is a commemoration of the birth of Christ - hence 'Christ-mas' - which mean's 'Christ's birth'. So Christmas has everything to do with Christ - in that way.

However, no one knows the actual date of Christ's birth - it is just that we adopt December 25th to celebrate it. This date was chosen as it was close to the Roman new year festival of Saturnalia, and so when Emperor Constantine became a Christian in the 4th century, Christmas was adopted in the place of saturnalia. So in another way the actual date of Christmas has really nothing to do with Christ as no one knows the actual date of his birth.

The original idea of Christmas and many of the customs are based around the birth of christ (If you believe in christ)

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Some people use an X in Christmas, because it is a variation on how Christ is spelled in the Greek language. As far as though people who want Christmas to be Only about Santa Claus and Easter to be Only about the Easter Bunny, then you just have to accept the fact that there are people who want to get something for nothing. You be a Christian and Know that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ [with Santa Clause (St. Nicholas) a nice symbol]. You be a Christian and Know that Easter is about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Easter Bunny is also another nice symbol.

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