For date made, try or maker's website. To see if stolen, contact your local police.
Serial numbers are not exclusive to one gun - hence, there is no way of answering this question, even if you had provided the serial number.
Serial numbers were not required before 1968. Check the receiver, barrel.
Serial numbers were not required before 1968. Check with your local police.
Your gun sn: B70526 has too many numbers in the serial number, to be a gun that starts with "B" in the serial sequence. Please re-check and ask again.
Contact police, provide them with the information you DO have. See if you can contact the person you bought the gun from, and if they have a record. Next time, record serial numbers, keep them in a safe place, along with photos.
With just the serial number, nothing.
Just by the serial number, no.
No way to answer. Serial numbers are NOT unique to only one gun in the world.
Not really
Go to where you registered them.
Check the auction sites for one in similar condition.
You find a published list of serial numbers for the maker.