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Q: Causes of promiscuity
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Related questions

What are the causes and effects of teenage female promiscuity?

Causes of teenage female promiscuity can stem from several factors. There are the missing father in the girl's life. Issues with the mother such as a bad relationship at home. There is also the sexual abuse such as incest or molestation. These may contribute as feelings of worthlessness and emptiness and may lead to promiscuous behavior.

Is promiscuity genetically caused?


Why did you choose promiscuity?

We are doing research on self help. My topic waspromiscuity. I read a novel about a girl who was promiscuity in order to hide her actual problem

How do you spell permiscuity?

The correct spelling is promiscuity.

What is the impression conveyed by Pandora beads and why?

The impression conveyed by Pandora beads is one of promiscuity, because of the nature of the design and pattern on the beads made by Pandora. Promiscuity is the impression.

Would like to use the word promiscuity in a sentence?

The book is about a woman who leaves her life of crime and promiscuity to become a drug councelor who helps women get off the streets.

What do you call it when you have 3 sex partners at one time?


How does prostitution distinguished from promiscuity?

Prostitution refers to engaging in sexual activities in exchange for money or goods, whereas promiscuity refers to having multiple sexual partners without any financial transaction involved. Prostitution is a form of sex work, whereas promiscuity is a personal choice related to one's sexual behavior.

How can promiscuity affect a community?

Promiscuity can lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, within a community. It may also contribute to unstable relationships and social disruption, affecting the overall well-being and cohesion of the community. Additionally, promiscuity can lead to unintended pregnancies and issues related to paternity and child support.

How does promiscuity pose a threat to Christianity?

People have been promiscuous since the earliest days of the Church, yet Christianity has prospered, so promiscuity in and of its self is clearly not a threat to Christianity. What may well be a threat to Christianity is the promiscuity of some clergy. Many thousands of allegations of paedophilia have been made against Catholic clergy, as well as many more against some Protestant clergy. And some Evangelical clergy have drawn media attention for their sexual promiscuity. Many Christians are repelled by the revelations about paedophilia. They regard revelations of consensual sexual promiscuity by clergy who preach against fornication and adultery as evidence of hypocrisy. This is the danger to Christianity.

What is the meaning of the word promiscuity?

Promiscuity refers to engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners or being indiscriminate in one's sexual behaviors. It can also imply a lack of commitment or adherence to traditional monogamous relationships.

What does the Wife of Bath believe in?

From her tale, she likely believes in feminism, but also in promiscuity.