Your credit card may not have been charged due to various reasons such as insufficient funds, expired card, or a technical issue with the payment system. It is recommended to contact the merchant or your credit card company for further clarification.
No, my Visa card has not been hacked.
No, my Visa gift card has not been hacked.
No, my vanilla gift card has not been compromised.
No, my vanilla gift card has not been stolen.
"Card of Last Will" (not to be confused with a card called 'Last Will') is an anime-only card and has never been printed as a real card.
'Ground Capture' is an anime-only card and has never been printed as a real card.
kiss me
No, 'Hand Control' is an anime-only card, it has never been printed in a set.
No, Guardian Dreadscythe has never been released as a real card, either in the TCG or OCG.
Orichalcos Malevolence is a card that only appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. It has never been printed as a real card, neither in the Japanese OCG nor the western TCG.
I sent an Applebees gift card to my granddaughter in a birthday card and she never received it. I still have the activation receipt I received when I purchased it. How can I tell if it has been used or not?
The official Open Office site never asks for a credit card number ! I've been using Open Office for years and have never been asked for a credit card number. You should only ever use their official website - See the related link.
The Yankees have been the American League wild card team four times: in 1995, 1997, 2007 and 2010. New York has never advanced to the World Series as a wild card.
What does that mean? "Do you never play adult card games?" "Has anyone here ever played adult card games?" jeeeessss work it out mate
No you cannot. Once a SIM card has been deactivated by the sercide provider it is no longer any good and can never be activated again. The only thing you can do with it is use it to transfer your contacts to a new SIM card with a card reader at your service provider's store.
Amount has been debited from the Card .