Yes, but only if you download and install the software. You can use Graffiti and Mobile Write. Both work really quite well.
i would not recommend a palm centro. The palm trio is a bit better. But the palm centro is to hard to use. I would give the palm centro a 2 out of 5. but the trio 3.5 out of 5. It depends on your use. the palm centro is great for messaging and calendar. for more work related the treo is better.
We still use the Palm Centro for our office phones. We have 4 running now for over three years. The are very practical and durable.
yes it can! that's what i use
surprisingly it is kind of easy. i thort it would be full hard. but i was surprised that it was easy. i got use to the key board after a while.
push the white button and the p. use the arrows.
the palm centro already has default ringtones on it, but if u want mp3 ringtones u need to go onto a website where u can download programs for ur phone. there u can download a free program called 'minitones'. this program allows you to trim songs and have mp3's as ringtones.
Unfortunately, Palm phones generally do not allow you to install your own ringtones. However, a free third party program lets you do it - A program called Minitones will search your memory card for audio tracks and then convert them to a format your phone can understand and use!
Nick describes Gatsby's handwriting as "romantic."
You can't transfer files from iTunes to a non-Apple device. You can use a different software, such as RealPlayer or Windows Media Player. You can also probably just drag and drop in File Explorer.
You can use gmail which allows you to do handwriting for emails or there are other apps that are available from the App Store that allows you to write notes with handwriting.
The handwriting on the letter was illegible, making it difficult to read.