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Of course! Zhu zhu pets actually roll on tile floor better then carpet, becase the wheels on them grip more onto hard surfaces. I suggest that you put your zhu zhu pet(s) on tile, wood, or in/on a zhu zhu pet habitat

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Q: Can zhu zhu pets roll on tile floor?
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What can zhu zhu pets do?

Zhu zhu pets are awsome!! i love them! They can zhoom around the floor or in their habiats !!! They also do wheelys and 360 turns and o backwards!!! They coo and chirp and most important They be your FRIEND!!!

Do baby zhu zhu pets move?

not electrical but they have a metal ball on the end so you can roll them about.

What is better Zhu Zhu pets or a real hamster?

It depends. If you're willing to take care of a real hamster, go for it. with zhu zhu pets you don't have to clean up after them. But really, they are no fun. All they do is make annoying noises and roll around. When you pick them up, they will pinch your fingers if they are still trying to roll.

Are zhu zhu pets poison?

Zhu zhu pets are not poison.

Where can you buy zhu zhu pets in Paris?

you can get zhu zhu pets from legranderecre

Why did go go pets change to zhu zhu pets?

gogo pets changed to zhu zhu pets because the creator found out how fast the zoom!

Are zhu zhu pets too expensive?

I think that zhu zhu pets are very expensive for the price

Are zhu zhu pets wind up toys?

No, zhu zhu pets run on battery with wheels on the bottom.(i have two zhu zhu's!)

Are zhu zhu pets and kung zhu made by the same company?

yes but zhu zhu pets have high levels of antimony.

Is zuzu from zhu zhu pets ugly?

no zuzu is not from the zhu zhu pets ugly, any way there is no such thing.

Where can you buy Zhu Zhu pets in Memphis?

You can buy zhu zhu pets all over the united states.

Will zhu zhu pets work in regular hamster toys?

If you are meaning aka hamster ball yes it would, just beware of the holes that were used for the hamsters oxygen hole they make it difficult for the zhu zhu pet to roll around!