If there is a connection problem it can a technician may have to sort something out in the socket. Also it may be a problem with the actual handset.
If you're asking if you can call a house phone in different house from your house, then yes, you can. You simply dial the number, then wait for it to ring and someone to answer it, or for their answering machine to pick up.
But if you are asking if you can call a house phone from the same house you are in, then you can only do it if there is more than one handset to the phones, and if it has an intercom function. If so, then you hit the intercom button then press the handset number you want to call. Although I believe this function only works with cordless phones.
Your phone call should be free if it is a local call to a house phone. Ultimately it depends on your calling plan and where your calling to. The home phone line you call should not be charged for receiving a call.
You can't. If you dial the number to the house phone from that same phone you will get a busy signal.
because they do not know you house phone noumber
Call the White House.
Typically a "house phone" (such as in the lobby of a hotel) can only call extensions within the same company or building.
Click on your cell phone or the house phone and click 'Call Services'.
call it using another phone
its zee germans
get out of the house as fast as you can and then go to your neighbors house and ask to call 911 on there phone if your not good friends with them don't go into there house if you alone and call your parent AFTER you call 911.
call from skype
Email, call the house phone, or write to him.