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Q: Can your boyfriend show signs of you being pregnant?
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Related questions

When does a women show signs of being pregnant?

A woman shows signs of being pregnant when she first misses her periods or when the periods are delayed.

When do guinea pigs show signs of being pregnant?

they will become fatter they get into an eggplant shape

Why would a pregnant cat show signs of heat?

A pregnant cat may exhibit signs of heat if she is experiencing a false pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, or complications with the pregnancy. It's important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and ensure the health and well-being of the cat and her kittens.

Can my boyfriend show pregnancy symptoms if im pregnant?

If I'm pregnant can my boy friend show symptoms

Does a cat show signs if being in heat after being bred?

Typically, a cat will not show signs of being in heat once they have been bred.

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How do you know if a Japanese spitz is pregnant?

if your japanese spitz is pregnant she will just show all the normal signs in other dogs.

Is your boyfriend still smoking pot?

Does he still smell like it? Does he show any signs of it? Do some research on the effects of marijuana and compare them to your boyfriend.

On the sims 2 after you try for a puppy how long will it take for the puppy to be born?

It takes a couple days on the PC version. I'm not sure about the others. P.S The pregnant dog doesn't show any signs of being pregnant.

What if you have headaches neck pain and aching around the ears are they signs of being pregnant?

I had headaches at first but not neck pain or ear pain, I guess it is different for everyone but I have never heard of those as signs. You could be pregnant with a cold, or it could be just a cold. If you are late a test should show correctly by now, if you aren't due for your period, then you have to wait until your period would be due. That sounds more like signs of being tense.

If you have had a miscarriage and are being sent for an ultrasound what are they expecting to see and will it tell you that you were pregnant or show any signs of previously being preg?

They could be checking for any tissue that was not expelled during the miscarriage. They may be able to tell that you were pregnant depending on how long ago the miscarriage happened, and if anything was left behind.

How long will it be before guinea pigs show signs that they are pregnant?

Guinea pigs pregnancies last for 10weeks