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Can your body absorb your pregnancy? If yes what is it called and how does this happen?

Yes, in some circumstances. If there is a very early pregnancy in the tube, and it gets extruded into the abdominal cavity, it will eventually get absorbed, along with any blood.

Where does the baby go?

In most cases, babies are not "absorbed" In the case of an early pregnancy (early first trimester), all that may be noticed is a bit of extra bleeding, like a heavier period. In later pregnancies, there will be cramping and passage of tissue.

In many pregnancies, the fetus dies while still at a very early stage, or never even develops (aka blighted ovum). It is not reabsorbed, but no actual visible tissue will be passed, only blood and clots.


I am still trying to get closure of my miscarriage with triplets due to the fact of all this information I received when I miscarried. While I was at the hospital with what they termed as a "missed miscarriage" I was shown, by a OB who was specialist in multiple births, My body had to have absorbed 1 of the babies completely, there was one visible with no heartbeat and as he zoomed into the ultrasound he showed me what he believed was one of the babies that was being absorbed but was not fully absorbed as of yet. I was in the beginning of my 5th month but the baby left was measured at 8 or 9 week. I had only spotted lightly for about 2 hours with no cramping. I passed a very long thick snot like passage the next day and did have blood and clots about the 8th day. It was a big mess with my Dr and I ended up seeing the specialist at the hospital I kept going to the emergency at. dont know why they termed it missed miscarriage when the 1st ultrasound showed the last baby with no heartbeart, something about my cervix not being opened and against law for MD to break ...I dont know......6 months later just as confused as the 1st day of MMC. I guess it really varies per individual and their bodies. I DO HIGHLY RECOMMEND if you find out you a PG with a multiple birth to go to a MULTIPLE BIRTH SPECIALISTS IMMEDIATELY... I tried to use my OB/GYN that delivered my first child and OBVIOUSLY alot changed with her over the 12 years and in the end I could see how her quality of care changed! I hope this helps but with me still looking for answers I hope I have not confused you more. Be blessed!

The above story is quite confusing, but "missed abortion" (abortion being the medical term for a pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks, whether induced or spontaneous) means that the fetus has died but not yet been expelled from the body. That term would be correct for the situation described--no heartbeat and closed cervix.

As to it being against the law for the MD to terminate that pregnancy--it may have been hospital policy rather than the law. If there is no heartbeat, then there are no legal impediments to termination. Some religious organizations which run hospitals have different rules which make it difficult to manage miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies in a rational and medically optimal manner.

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Q: Can your body absorb your pregnancy?
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