Children, especially younger children, have been reported to know "stuff" that adults just can't understand. While there isn't any way to prove that they DO know about a pregnancy, there also isn't any way to prove that they don't. No, they can not.
Possibly if there are many children in the family and the mother have the same behavior as before so then they might guess she is pregnant but there is no way for them to know.
There can be many reasons that a young woman gets pregnant. Most teenagers get pregnant because they do not understand how birth control really works; some donÕt even know how sex really works. Other women choose to get pregnant because they are at that stage in life when they want children
yes, because they leave their moms at a young age. they need to know how to hunt before they live on their own.
No. You do not have a period if you're pregnant. My mother had 6 children, and she had her periods through 3 of the pregnancies - I don't know how long or "normal" her periods were (she died some years ago) but I do know that she was 5 months pregnant with me before she realized she was pregnant!
Justin Bieber does not know how to get a woman pregnant. He is too young.
yes i have two children and i know first hand that you can get pregnant while on the shot. i would get a test just to make sure
No but most likely is she then so young so she can not legally have sex. Many girls don't think they have hit puberty because they have not gotten their period yet but it starts before that. And before you bleed you ovulate and that is when you get pregnant but you will not know when you ovulate if you've never done it before. So if you have unprotected sex before you ahve started bleeding there is no gurantee you not get pregnant becuase you might be in puberty.
2 weeks
because they know they need to know more about life.
i don't know yet.It is very possible
Being young and pregnant has many health implications to it. A young adult who is pregnant can get infections easily and is unlikely to know how to properly care and nourish a child it can threaten the health of both the child and the mother.
After a female has reached a certain age to have menstrual cycles, then they can have children.