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Yes you can, but supposedly you shouldn't because it'd be gross :P. For a real crowd pleaser, defy gravity by peeing your pants!

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Q: Can you vomit while you are standing on your head?
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Can you eat or drink standing on your head?

no its not possible because if you do so then the water and food will do to your nose and you will have to vomit.

Is it possible to dream while sleeping on your back?

Of course. You will dream while standing on your head, if you can just get to sleep.

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Standing on the wrong side of the cot is- Standing on the cot on the side where you usually have the pillows or standing on where usually (daily) you rest your head while you sleep.

What process allows you to swallow your food while standing on your head?

You can do this through the muscular contractions that are happening in your esophagus.

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Not usually...

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Tudors got put in the stocks if they kissed a baby on the head while standing on one foot

Can you eat while standing on your head?

Yes. The throat muscles pull food toward the stomach regardless of which way you are positioned.

What is the process called that involuntarily makes it is possible to swallow water while standing on your head and moves food from your mouth down to your stomach?

Peristalsis is the process that involuntarily makes it is possible to swallow water while standing on your head and moves food from your mouth down to your stomach. Peristalsis affects the muscles in the intestines also.

Why did jango fett stand while dying?

I don't get what this question means, but he was standing up with Dooku when Mace cut off his head.

Can you throw up while standing on your head?

No because your interior is clogged up with saliva so the sickness cannot get threw so NO

Can you vomit out a baby while you are pregnant?

It may feel that way, but no.