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9mo ago

No, Sure Jell is a fruit pectin used for making jams and jellies and is not effective for cleaning marijuana from your body. The best way to remove marijuana from your system is to allow time for it to naturally metabolize and leave your body or to use products specifically designed for detoxification.

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Q: Can you use sure jell to clean marijuana out of your body?
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Do THC levels go down if you smoke less marijuana than usual?

Yes, if you smoke less marijuana than usual, the THC levels in your body will decrease over time as the stored THC is metabolized and eliminated from your system. However, the rate at which THC levels decrease will vary depending on factors such as frequency of use, metabolism, and body composition.

How do you get marjauana out your system?

The best way to remove marijuana from your system is by allowing time for it to naturally metabolize and leave your body. Staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and exercising can help speed up the process. Avoiding further marijuana use is also important to prevent any additional buildup in your system.

What can you use to get rid of marijuana in your system?

To get rid of marijuana from your system, you can drink plenty of water to help flush it out, exercise to speed up your metabolism, and consider using detox products designed to help eliminate toxins. However, it's important to note that the most reliable way to remove marijuana from your system is through abstaining from use over time.

How many grams are in a half ounce of marijuana?

14 GRAMS also... didn't have to add IN MJ dude... well its a little over 14 grams. make sure no seeds!

How long will marijuana stay in body weight about 220 lbs and 5'9'' tall and have not smoke marijuana for two months how long marijuana stay in urine and blood?

Marijuana can stay in urine for up to 30 days for occasional users. As for blood, traces of marijuana can typically be detected for up to a week after last use. However, individual factors such as metabolism and frequency of use can influence these detection times.

Related questions

If you drink water and cranberry juice to clean out your system of marijuana and you are pregnant will your unborn baby get clean to?

sure, why not sure, why not

Can Certo be substited for Sure-Jell?

no it cannot be used in place of sure jell .

Is there a product to clean your hair from marijuana?

A razor. Just make sure you find every hair on your body longer than 1/2 an inch.

What is the difference between regular Sure Jell and less sugar Sure Jell--are they interchangeable?

According to Kraft's website (Kraft manufactures Sure Jell, just FYI), less sugar Sure Jell can be used in recipes that require no sugar, but can also be substituted for regular Sure Jell for a low sugar option. It's operation is the same.

How long does it for a clean urine after marijuana use?

You might be lucky after a week, but only for sure after a month or so.

Does sure jell help with Arthritis?

The Sure Jell product is said to help with the symptoms of arthritis. It is said to aid with the discomfort but is not a cure.

Will sure jell detox body of marijuana?

No. It's a myth. Just don't smoke weed for about a month. That's the only way to clear your body is to rid it from weed. Your body cleanses itself over time. Not a jello product.... Come in people.

Will sure jell clean meth out of your system to pass a drug test today in 1 hour?


How much is sure jell?

£2.99 i think

Does pickle juice clean system of marijuana If not what works?

Pickle juice will not help your body flush THC out. The only sure way of getting THC out of your system is time.

What does sure jell look like?

Sure Jell is a white powder that comes in a box that is the size of a Jello or pudding box. You use it for making jams and jelly.

Will sure jell help cure Arthritis?

Some people claim that the Sure Jell aids in the pain associated with arthritis. This is a home remedy and is not a cure for this ailment.