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Q: Can you use sidewalk chalk on chalkboard?
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How do you remove liquid chalk from a chalk board?

The method you will use to clean off chalk will depend on where the chalk is. Sidewalk chalk can be washed away from sidewalks with a hose.

How do you spell chalk and chalkboard in french?

The word for chalk is "craie" and a chalkboard is "tableau noir" (blackboard).

What do teachers use in class?

Their wits, a chalkboard, chalk, their voice, and their authority.

What rock do you use to write on a chalkboard?

Chalkboards are typically written on with chalk, which is made from calcium sulfate mineral known as gypsum. This material leaves a distinctive mark on the slate surface of the chalkboard.

Is sidewalk chalk made out of the same things as blackboard chalk?

Yes, both sidewalk chalk and blackboard chalk are typically made of calcium sulfate. However, sidewalk chalk is often mixed with additional ingredients like pigments and binding agents to make it more durable for outdoor use.

Is sidewalk chalk toxic?

It can be because some sidewalk chalk contains lead.

How can you erase a chalkboard?

To erase a chalkboard, simply use an eraser or a damp cloth to wipe off the chalk marks. If the chalk marks are stubborn, a chalkboard cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar can also be used. Allow the board to dry thoroughly before writing on it again.

Can you make homemade chalk with flour instead of cornstarch?

Sidewalk chalk can be made with just flour and water. It can be fancied up with the addition of cornstarch or food coloring. Sidewalk chalk is fun for children to use.

What are the ingredients of sidewalk chalk?

A major component of sidewalk chalk is calcium carbonate, CaCO3

What is the purpose of a chalkboard eraser?

The purpose of a Chalkboard Eraser is to wipe off, or "erase," anything that is written on a Chalkboard. Things are usually written on Chalkboards using Chalk, and an eraser lifts the layer of chalk of the chalkboard, leaving it free again.

What compound words have chalk?

Some compound words with "chalk" are chalkboard, chalk dust, chalk line, chalk stick.

Is used to write on the classroom chalkboard?
