Yes with restrictions, as follows, quoted from the NJ Legislature Statutes online:
i.Nothing in N.J.S.2C:39-5 shall be construed to prevent any person who is 18 years of age or older and who has not been convicted of a felony, from possession for the purpose of personal self-defense of one pocket-sized device which contains and releases not more than three-quarters of an ounce of chemical substance not ordinarily capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury, but rather, is intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or disability through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air. Any person in possession of any device in violation of this subsection shall be deemed and adjudged to be a disorderly person, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00.
so basically if you're 18+ you can carry one for self protection
As often as there's a need for pepper spray.
Yes, the pepper spray is available for use in Colorado.
You would typically use pepper spray when you feel like you are in danger from a person or animal. The pepper spray would deter the attacker and allow you the time to get away from them. Many pepper sprays have a dye in them - making it easier to identify the attacker.
pepper spray, because unless your a police person, you are not allowed to carry a taser.
Pepper spray or mase
Yes, pepper spray is legal for civilian use in Philadelphia, but there are restrictions on the amount of pepper spray that can be carried and where it can be used. It is always advisable to check the specific laws and regulations regarding pepper spray in the city to ensure compliance.
Best thing to do is to just purchase Muzzle pepper spray, made by Mace. It is not as strong as the pepper spray for humans and will not permanently hurt the dog.
Pepper spray is legal in Kenya for self-defense purposes, but it must be registered with the government and its use should be reasonable and justified. It is not recommended to carry pepper spray without proper registration and training on how to use it responsibly.
Both tasers and pepper spray are available with a permit or license if you are over 18.
pepper spray hockey players use