You can use hardwood floors in your bathroom however it is not recommended. Generally, the bathroom tends to collect alot of moisture which can be damaging to the floor.
You can put hardwood flooring anywhere you would like to but in a bathroom it would be a bad choice. Water and Wood do not mix well. It would become mildewed and stained in a very short period of time.
I think it would come down to personalpreference but hardwood in a kitchen or bathroom can prove to be a mistake because of the water damage & water leakage factor. hardwood definitely gives you more back when its time to resale.
There are many good types of Cherry hardwood floors to use. The best type of Cherry hardwood floors to use would probably the Brazilian Cherry hardwood floors.
It's not recommended in the bathroom, too much moisture. Go with tile.
the correct term is may I use the bathroom
Private bathroom-> this is only for a single person. He will use it and no one can use that. Bathroom-> It will be general bathroom every body can use it.
Because they want to use it instead of hardwood. Lots of doors have been made from hardwood.
Bruce hardwood floor cleaner is the best hardwood floor cleaner for day to day use.
they use the bathroom when they are taking a walk
They do not use the bathroom. They live in jungles
You use the bathroom that was intended for whichever gender you are.
In the bathroom. On the toilet