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Yes- that is what the poly-choke is for.

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Q: Can you use birdshot in a jc Higgins shotgun with poly-choke?
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Can you use slugs in a birdshot barrel jc Higgins 20-12 shotgun?


Which gun is best for hunting ducks?

The one you can make a clean kill with. Depending on your skill you any of the folowing will do the job - 410, 16, 20,28, 12,

What shell size do you use in a j.c. Higgins model 101.7 .410 shotgun?

Your shotgun was made for Sears by Stevens, and is their model 311. It should take 2.5 inch and 3 inch .410 shells.

When hunting for ducks what to use?

A standard 12 guage with number 9 birdshot works great.

What are the best bullets to use for a Miroku shotgun?

Miroku is simply a brand name, like Browning or Winchester. The correct size SHOTSHELL (proper term, not bullet) will be marked on the barrel, such as 12 guage, 2 3/4 inch, or 20 g, 3 inch, etc). The specific shell loading you want will depend on the use of the shotgun- buckshot or slugs for larger game, birdshot for small game.

Which choke tube should you use on the jc Higgins model 20 12 ga?

The choke you use depends on your target rather than the type of shotgun. For example: if you are shooting skeet, you would use improved or modified cylinder, but if you are shooting trap, you would use full choke.

What year was the westernfield model m550ad 12gauge pump shotgun manufactured?

Your shotgun was made for Montgomery Wards (marked with their brand- Westernfield) by Mossberg, and is their model 550. As far as age- no way to tell. IF your shotgun does not have a serial number, it would have been made prior to 1968. <><><> Note to previous poster- Sears did not use the Westernfield brand- that belonged to Montgomery Wards. They DID use J.C. Higgins and Ted Williams as brand names.

Can Higgins waterproof India ink be used for tattoos?

It is not recommended to use Higgins ink for tattooing. It is also not approved for such use by the FDA.

Where can you get an after-market scope mount for a 12 gauge JC Higgins Model 20 pump shotgun?

Your shotgun was made by High Standard for sears from 1947 to 1962 its an old gun .Old vintage shotguns should be used and appreciated for what they are and not what they are not .and what you would like to do would not be suitable for the old girl get a newer gun for that.and simply use and enjoy you old shotgun in its day their was absolutely nothing on the market better and they are still a very good shotgun

Do any military or special forces shotguns have rifling?

No. The military uses shotguns for short range anti-personnel in urban combat and door breaching.Civilian hunters use rifled shotguns to hunt larger game, primarily deer, at medium distance of 50-100 meters. They fire solid projectiles called slugs and jacketed slugs called sabots. When firing a solid round, a rifled barrel is more accurate than a smooth bore. When firing traditional shotgun ammunition of buckshot and birdshot, rifling offers no advantage.Hunters use a rifled shotgun in areas where rifles are prohibited due to risk of accidentally penetrating houses, and because it offers the flexibility of firing birdshot through the same weapon. Since the military does not have those requirements, it uses a rifle, primarily M-16, for medium distance because the same weapon can be used for long distance.

What is the age and value of jc Higgins model 583.16 12 gauge bolt action shotgun?

Well, sweetheart, that JC Higgins shotgun was made in the 1950s, so it's probably older than your grandma's favorite recipe. As for the value, it really depends on the condition and if it's a collector's item or just a rusty relic. I'd suggest getting it appraised by a professional if you're looking to sell it, unless you want to use it as a doorstop.

What kind of ammo kan a Jc Higgins model 20 shotgun pump action made by high standard arms shoot and can it shoot slugs?

The JC Higgins Model 20 is a well-made firearm. Provided you have it checked by a competent gunsmith, it can handle any standard 12ga 2 3/4" shotshell. If the gun is not choked 'FULL' you should be able to use slugs.