Contrary to what all of my artists have told me...yes you can use axe shower gel on a new tattoo however do not use the detailer loofa just use your fingers and a small amount of lather and gently massage tattoo do not scrub or submerge
just as a body wash, I get a wet towel and put some on it and wash myself down with it.
You use it during the shower.
Enybody can use that gel :)
In the shower, bath tub or even when you wash your hands.
You use shower gel as if it is liquid soap. Rubbing it around your body makes you smell better
the best gel you could use is axe gel you could buy it at stop and shop or something. VO5 styling gel wet look is also very good.
Shower creme is simply shower gel or liquid soap for use when showering. It may have additives which the manufacturers claim are beneficial.
Yeah! You an basicly use any Lynx shower gel to wash your hair but dont do it that often.
Use "Draino Gel" it works well.
No it will make your hair greasy and oily.
Probably because children's skin is more sensitive to things, and shower gel is already irritating to some adults.