Nope unless the phone is unlocked...
This can be done by purchasing unlock codes from any commercial vendors online like And you can have a look up at this free guide called … where you can find instruction how to unlock your phone step by step...
Sprint and Koodo both use the CDMA system so the phones are compatible with both networks.
Yup once you unlock your phone you can access your phone with any carrier..You can get your phone unlocked from any vendors online like
You need to have a GSM/HSPA cellphone. you have to put a sim card inside the phone. But it's not all phone will work on the koodo network because it's a new network, HSPA.
Telus no longer produces printed phone books in most areas. You can try contacting Telus customer service to see if they still offer phone directories in your specific region, or you can use their online directory services on their website.
categorical data is data that can be assigned to distinct non-overlapping categories. ex: What cell phone provider do you use? response: {Telus, Bell Aliant, Telus, Bell Aliant, Rogers,Rogers,Koodo, Rogers, Telus Rogers}. The responses to question one fit into four categories numerical data set is when the data is compromised of numbers, specifically different amounts of money. ex: What was your cell phone bill for the previous month? response:{$27.50, $33.50, $45.70, $32.00, $54.90, $29.00, $43.65, $67.40, $35.89, $$39.67}.
The coverage is good, but the Telus store has a difficult time differentiating between what is GSM and what is 3G. They will not hook up a smart phone for you on pay-per-use data and will not support your cell phone once you've purchased it! =)
The best cell phone companies that allow you to use their cell phone service without signing a contract are Wind and Koodo. They allow you to use their services on a monthly basis without getting into a long term commitment.
If I had an contract plan with alltel and i cancelled the contract can i use the phone as a prepaid phone
There are many cell phone providers that offer business deals. Currently in Canada the most popular company to use for business is Telus as they have the Mortorola phones.
no, your # and plan details are on you SIM
When you buy a phone that is all you get. To use the phone you will need to have a phone network access plan with someone. Buy a plan by buying a Simcard from your favourite phone company
A pay as you go plan is a plan where you pay for the phone upfront and use it only for that amount. Then when that amount is gone, you "refill" it. A plan is a set amount each month