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No. T-mobile is a gem network and Sprint is coma. They are totally incompatible.

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If you get the device unlocked you can use it on the AT&T network, or any other GSM network.

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Q: Can you use a sprint blackberry on tmobile plan?
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What is the difference between a sprint blackberry and a normal blackberry?

A Sprint Blackberry smartphone is sold through by the Sprint cellular company either individually or in combination with a Sprint cellular contract. This Blackberry is not configurated for use on any other cellular networks including AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc. On the other hand, a normal Blackberry has no network restrictions and can be used with any cellular network.

Can you use the Blackberry Curve 8900 with any sim or does it have to be a Blackberry plan?

You would need to have a blackberry plan if you wanted to use things like BlackBerry internet and messenger etc.

If you put a BlackBerry SIM card from Sprint into an unlocked iPhone will it work?

Sprint doesn't use SIM cards...

Can you use at and t blackberry for sprint?

No, they are programmed for specific cell phone companies.

Does Sprint have good service on Long Island?

No. Sprint does not have good service in MOST AREAS!! I know that they use cdma....which is old. I switched from sprint to tmobile and went from no service/data to 4g ALL THE TIME

What cell phone company offers the Blackberry 9670?

Sprint is the company that offers the Blackberry 9670. You can located sprint store in your area. This phone offers a large selection of things to use for such as camera and video.

Can you use an ATT Blackberry on Sprint for Data services only?

obviously not. Att uses GSM technology while sprint uses CDMA.

Can you use a blackberry 9900 without a data plan?

Yes!What you'll have to do is buy the blackberry for the full price, no contracts. Then, depending where you live - you can buy a SIM card from the phone company of your choice (If you live in Canada, only Rogers offers SIM cards). When you buy it, they'll help you to set it up on Pay As You Go, or you can put it on your own plan - but unfortunately the Blackberry E-mail service wont work - but if you're looking to go on a plan, check in for the rates on Data - that way you can use the net on the phone.Right now I have a Blackberry Pearl 8100 and it's set up on PAYG - it's great. The only problem is that Data on PAYG is expensive if you're using facebook or MSN.Hope this helps!

Can you use a blackberry without data plan?

Yes! You can use a blackberry without a data plan, however having a data plan allows you to run many apps and use the E-maill system. Its a great phone!

What network does virgin mobile use?

In the usa virgin mobile uses the sprint pcs network and everywhere else it uses the tmobile network