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No, you are born lesbian. It's not something you catch or turn into to.

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Q: Can you turn lesbian
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Why do girl turn lesbian?

They are born lesbian. It's not something you catch or turn into to.

Can a lesbian turn heterosexual for god?

No. You are born lesbian. It's not something you catch or turn into to or can change from.

Is ester dean lesbian?

she plans to turn lesbian by 2015

Why does people turn lesbian?

You are born lesbian. It's not something you catch or turn into to.Answeror you can get a bad time with guys and turn to girls.

If I'm a straight girl is it ok if I like to watch lesbian girls or just solo girls and not turn bi or a lesbian?

It perfectly fine for you to watch lesbian girls or just solo girls and not turn bi or a lesbian

How does a lesbian make a other girl lesbian?

You can't make someone else a lesbian. A woman who previously identified as straight may come out, or make an exception for a specific person, but there is no way to turn someone into a lesbian.

Why do girls turn into lesbians?

Sexual orientation, including being a lesbian, is determined by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. It is not something that someone turns into or chooses. People are attracted to who they are attracted to, regardless of gender, and this can vary from person to person.

What percent of women turn lesbian in prison?

around 80 percent.

Can a lesbian turn to a straight person and it takes how long?

No. Sexual orientation is unchangeable.

Do straight women turn lesbian once in a lifetime?

No, not all straight women turn to a lesbian lifestyle in their lifetime. However, there is a small percentage of straight women who have had bad luck with men in general and may choose to have a lesbian partner; or in a small percentage some younger women are talked into being bisexual or made to believe they should be in a lesbian relationship.

What do you do if you turn lesbian?

You are born lesbian. It's not something you catch or turn into to. I would suggest you start looking for Miss Right and start a family when you feel ready for it. Live happily ever after. It's normal to be lesbian. Tell your family if you want. They will accept it or not. if not it's their loss because you can't change and it would not be fair of them not to accept you for how you are.

Can lesbians become straight?

no, if you're lesbian, you're lesbian, you can't "turn" into something else, or change your sexual orientation. although if a girl is doing things with another girl and decides not to anymore, she is not a lesbian, she is merely bi-curious.